Things you should know ABOUT ME.

1. I grew up in a far off land they call Minnesota. The land of 10,000 lakes. Actually.

2. I HATE cotton balls. The thought, feeling, or sight of one drives me absolutely crazy and I break out into instant goosebumps and I feel nauseous.

3. Growing up, I wanted to be: a tornado chaser, a dolphin trainer, a marine biologist, a sportscaster on ESPN, a documentary film maker, a stockbroker, an environmental lawyer, and I wanted to open my own karate school.

4. Music drives my soul, and my playlist could go on forever.

5. I’d much rather be poor and in love that rich and alone.

6. I believe in soul mates.

7. I love to learn, and I love to teach. I am constantly reading, researching, creating, and consuming knowledge. I am fundamentally a curious person and it is in my nature to attempt to understand as much as I can about the world.

8. Shark week is my favorite week of the year. Never fails to fascinate me.

9. I grew up having boats. A speedboat, and a yacht. I learned to swim when I was young. I could swim forever.

10. I hate olives.

11. Yoga is my peace, my happy place, my balance. Meditation is my depth, my challenge, my rejuvenation.

12. I enjoy to be alone.

13. The dark is my greatest fear.

14. I get the most intense and horrific migraines.

15. I do not drink milk.

16. Brunettes over blonds, always.

17. Random fact: I am allergic to alcohol.

18. I am a 2nd degree blackbelt in tae kwon do.

19. Freckles. Love freckles.

20. Night owl. I hate going to bed. I stay up so late. On the flip side, worst morning person ever. I cannot even comprehend what is happening around me in the morning. I am oblivious to the world. And I dislike coffee.

21. Kind of obsessed with weird things. Things that I think are fascinating and real, alive and undefined. Things that other people probably find strange. I find it quite enlightening. I love the work of Terrance McKenna, Joe Rogan, and David Wilcock to say the least. I believe in a certain level of energy, new world order, and the 2012 Enigma.

22. I find Buddhism wildly fascinating. I study and attempt to practice certain aspects of it.

23. I am passionate about the environment. So passionate. Involved with various organizations such as; Greenpeace Canada, Tanker Free BC, and Forest Ethics. Also involved with the SPCA, Help Change My City, the Occupy Movement, and various other organizations.

24. I am an extremest. I find it difficult to do anything in moderation. I am all, or I am nothing. I am strong and I am a lot. So what? Just love me.

25. Independent. I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T.

26. Certified and trained in Wilderness First Aid.

27. Cherry cokes under the moonlight summer sky. Shooting stars. Country music.

28. Polish. Austrian. Russian. Scottish. French.

29. Love documentaries and plan to make my own in the future. To be able to document pure truth, portray situations/events/subject matter in such a way to educate, inspire, and move, is a talent in its own. It has come to my attention that all statistics can be manipulated, facts can be spun, information warped. I want to reach out to people the way certain movies have woken me up and helped me come alive. Some of my highest recommendations are Shark Water, The Cove, An Inconvenient Truth, Blue Gold, The 2012 Enigma, The Age of Stupid, The Yes Men Fix the World, The End of the Line,  I could really go on forever….about anything to do with social or environmental issues.

30. I’m sucker for anything pretty. Pretty eyes, pretty views, pretty words.

31. I was born to do something great. I will do amazing things. I BELIEVE I WILL SAVE THE WORLD.

32. Obsessed with mountains. Certified mountaineer. Currently training for Everest. Please reference previous blogs for additional information.

33. Spelling is probably my weakest attribute. Thank god for spell check. Seriously.

34. NOT a great singer, but LOVE to sing. Mostly in the car or in the shower. You can say the same about dancing.

35. You may hate me for saying this (or you may completely agree), but I cannot stand most children. Especially on an airplane, or in a small, confined spaces.

36. Dreamer. Big time.

37. Grew up playing tennis, lacrosse, track and field, karate, and volleyball.

38. Add cooking to the list of things I just will never be good at.

39. I hate watching hockey.

40. Hopeless romantic.

41. I don’t believe in organized religion.  I don’t believe in war. I don’t believe in the death penalty. I don’t believe in God.

42. A beautiful mess. Mostly a mess. Sometimes beautiful.

43. A wanna-be vegan. A try-hard vegetarian. Lack discipline, mostly. But a wealth of knowledge. Skinny Bitch is practically my bible, and should be yours, too.

44. I strive to be unique. Anything off the beaten track I will chase. I hate ordinary.

45. I cannot deal with crowds. I love to travel, but I hate tourists. I like desolate, I like remote, I like to discover. Large groups of people give me anxiety, and things that have been photographed millions of time already lack all originality in my eyes.

46. The Beach. Best movie ever. On a very philosophical level.

47.  My books are probably my most VALUED possessions. Although I theoretically stand against large corporations, Chapters is one of my favorite places. No other place offers me such instant inspiration. I could get lost in my own little world there all day. My mountaineering gear is probably my most VALUABLE possessions. And, although I theoretically stand against large corporations ( I swear it’s true), MEC is such a sanctuary to me. No other place provides such strong motivation to pursue my dreams.

48. I often cry when I see something that is overwhelmingly beautiful.

49. I have no home.  But I am not homeless.

50. I wear my heart on my sleeve.

Published by: kellisroka

I’m an intelligent aesthetically non-displeasing young woman. But I don't identify with that. I rock a wicked sense of humor. I don’t take it seriously. Life is fun. I take it seriously. I'm in love with music. It makes me feel so alive, and that's beautiful. I go out. I enjoy staying in. I drink for the product. I love my friends, I make more every day. I have good things coming towards me and bad things going away. Positivity. I'm impervious to nonsensical bullshit. I have enemies. But don’t dislike them. I view most everyone as a friend. I'm a great listener. Shaped by the international community. I’m fashionable, I’m savvy but sometimes.... I just don’t give a FCUK. I display my insecurities. I’m on my path. I won't stand for second class behavior. I believe in love songs. When all is said and done: I grew up in Minnesota, now reside in Vancouver. Plan on saving the world. Looking forward to traveling. Training to climb Mount Everest. A bit of a free spirit, I do what I want. I like to stay up late. I like tattoos. Yoga addict. Environmentalist. Social media lover. Fighter. Not just a pretty face.

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